Get to Know Me
I'm Emily!
I am an over-caffeinated single mom of 2 (who I’m obsessed with) on a journey to become who God intended me to be. I'm unapologetically honest, delivering the raw truth about where I’ve been, where I am and where I’m going.
I'm walking through a brutal storm and learning how to lean on God to pick up the pieces of my life and fit them back together. With that I feel as if I'm being called to talk about the hard things. Whether it's my rather messy journey to grow in my faith, motherhood, single life etc. So here I am exposing my heart, my mistakes, my thoughts for everyone to see. I hope you can find this outlet as a place where you can relate and feel like we're walking alongside one another in this crazy life.
My Prayer
I pray this touches the person who needs a friend in a hard season.
Suffering brings a feeling of loneliness along with it and I want you to know you’re not alone. Maybe our stories aren’t the same (honestly, I hope they're not) but I pray that my words bring you comfort that we’re weathering this life together.
I pray I can serve as a witness to God's glory and goodness.
I'm not going to get it right all the time, maybe I get it wrong a lot of the time but I pray that even admist my storm, you can see how God is working in me and how he can work through you too.
I pray we can build a community.
I pray this is a place where you feel validated in your own feelings, where we can talk about the things we've probably all thought at some point but never really like to admit. A place where we can grow in our faith together. A safe place where maybe the conversations are heavy some days but then maybe others, it's just to share the beauty that life has to offer.